Chimamanda was born on September 15 1977 in Enugu Nigeria as the fifth of a sixth child of an Igbo family of Mr. James Nwoye and Mrs. Grace Ifeoma Adichie chimamanda completed her secondary education at the university of Nigeria located in Nzuka where her father Mr. Nwoye worked at the time and was the Nigerian first professor of statistic and later became the deputy vice chancellor, her mother was the first female registrar at the same institution chimamanda received several academy awards, she went onto study medicine and pharmacy at the university of Nigeria for a year and a half ,the family hails from Abba Anambra state chimamanda grew up in Nsuka in a house formerly occupied by Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe
At 19-chimamanda left for United States she gained scholarship to study communication at Drexel University in Philadelphia for two years she went on to pursue a degree in communication and political science at eastern Connecticut state university she graduated summa cum laude from eastern university in 2001 and then completed a masters degree in creative writing at the johns Hopkins university Baltimore. During her fist year in the university she started writing her first novel purple hibiscus, which was released in October 2003
The book has received wide critical acclaim it was short listed for the orange fiction prize2004nd was awarded the commonwealth writes price for best first book 2005
Chimamanda shuttles between Nigeria and United States she was a holder fellow at Princeton University during 2005-2006 academic years and is now pursuing graduate work in African studies program at Yale University
She has won the following prizes BBC short story competition 2002joint winner for that harmattan morning Henry prize 2003 for the American embassy, David T.Wong international short story prize 2002/2003PEN center award
Chi Amanda objected to the adoption view of the colonial culture for Africa rather she believes in scholarship award as empowerment for the Africa child. She stood against star celebrity view on option of adoption of the Africa child by Madonna.
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